
During June 2012 there will be three exhibitions.  This page features information and images from those exhibitions. The WINNER: highstreet neighbourhood artist Holly Smith also has a page on this blog which includes more detailed information and images about her work.

Opening exhibition at No.93.  Open between 3rd June and 13th June

Text that accompanied the exhibition

WINNER: highstreet neighbourhood
WINNER: high street neighbourhood is a socially engaged, site specific visual art project which is based on Winner Street, Paignton.  The project has been in development since autumn 2011.  We moved into the shop in April 2012 and the project finishes at the end of June 2012.
The project celebrates the street, local residents, shopkeepers and local heritage.  In combination with the workshops with local groups, artist in residence Holly Smith has made new work which will be shown here throughout June.  The main outcomes of the project include the shop/gallery space here at No.93, an interactive map of Winner Street, an exhibition at Paignton Library and also a programme of free events.
During our residency we have experienced Winner Street as a vibrant community with some fascinating contrasting features. Some examples of contrasts could be the interaction between the historic and contemporary and also the contrasts that exist in a street filled with independent and diverse shops and shopkeepers.
The visual art work exhibited here captures and explores these contrasts in a straightforward and playful yet affectionate way.  An example of how Holly explores these contrasts in her work is her take on the traditional form of etching.  She has created a new crest for Winner Street.  Notice how, on the crest, she places the modern shop till next to the wheat sheaves that represent the agricultural heritage of the street.  Another example you may experience is when listening to the Winner Street Playlist.  You may consider how they are not just pop songs chosen by the shopkeepers but also represent the developing relationship and trust between the shopkeepers and us as resident artist/curator.
The workshops with Curledge Street Primary School and ROC Creative not only resulted in visual art work but also facilitated conversations and deepened our understanding of this street.  It is worth reminding ourselves of how different perspectives can help us reconsider places or peoples. In particular when using the interactive map or looking at the shopkeeper portraits the visitor to Winner Street can use these fresh viewpoints or images to help create their own pathways into this place.
Holly became (for a day at least) the Winner Street Town Crier, her cry marking  the transition moment between the ‘making’ and ‘sharing’ phases of the project.  Her cry is pinned over there on the wall.  In her cry she asked us to “rejoice in this street of historic tales, ye olde characters and local shops.” This cry is a declaration of how great this place is and an opportunity for Holly to quite literally, shout about what we have learned, experienced and hope to share.
Gareth Ballyn
May 2012

Overview of shop at opening event.  You can see the Paignton Flag on display.  
Flag loaned by Paignton History Society. The flag was last flown at Oldway Mansion in March 1968.  The flag was taken down when Paignton changed from being an independent town to being part of Torbay.

Ye Olde Shopping list
(Things you used to be able to buy on Winner Street)
Gareth Ballyn
Photocopy of word processed list.
April 2012

Winner Street Playlist
Gareth Ballyn
MP3 player with Winner Street Playlist.  Photocopy of song lyrics.
May 2012

Portraits of Winner Street shopkeepers
Various artists from ROC Creative*
Digitally collated by Holly Smith
Black and white print onto A3 white card
May 2012
*The names on the portraits are the names of the artists not the sitter. Names of sitters are displayed next to each print.

Ronnie Sharpe
Gadgets ‘n’ Things, Winner Street

Ron Brown
Bakers Delight, Winner Street 

Chris Gardener
The Old Corner Shop, Winner Street

Julie Turner
Pets Parlour, Winner Street

Winner Street Shopkeeper Portraits
These portraits were made during a series of workshops with ROC Creative* led by Holly Smith. During the workshops the artists from ROC Creative went on site visits to Winner Street to visit the shopkeeper’s shops as well as getting ideas about the street itself.  They also interviewed the shopkeepers (Which can be heard on the soundtracks that accompany the map) to get to know them better.  There was then a portrait sitting session at ROC Creative’s art studio at the Palace Theatre.  Each subject was drawn by all the artists from ROC Creative.
 To see images of the workshops visit www.highstreetneighbourhood.blogspot.com
*ROC Creative is an arts, media and education project. It is part of the work of ROC, a registered charity providing opportunities and support for adults with learning disabilities

'A tribute to Roov Andrew 2012'
Holly Smith
Handwritten cry on paper
May 2012

text coming soon!

Victor Platea 2012
Holly Smith
Perspex etching and watercolour on hand made copper press paper
May 2012

The memorabilia for sale in the shop. Postcards, shopping bags and rock with artist made labels!

Exhibition at Paignton Library. Open between 7th June and 13th July

Corridor exhibition space


Text to accompany map

This map is part of the WINNER: highstreet neighbourhood project.
A paper copy of this map is available to take away from the information counter in this library and also at the Tourist Information Centre by the Cinema. 
The images were drawn by children from Year 4 at Curledge Street Primary School and by artist Holly Smith. The children spent an afternoon on Winner Street learning about its history and also doing these line drawings.  They also made a model of the street which can be seen in the main library by the stairwell.
The map is designed to show visitors to Winner Street both the modern features of the street and also historical stories and facts.  There are two soundtracks that accompany this map. Details of how to access them is available in the paper copy along with additional information about the WINNER: highstreet neighbourhood project

ROC Shopkeeper portraits

 Text to accompany portraits

These portraits were made during a series of workshops with ROC Creative* led by Holly Smith. During the workshops the artists from ROC Creative went on site visits to Winner Street to visit the shopkeeper’s shops as well as getting ideas about the street itself.  They also interviewed the shopkeepers (Which can be heard on the soundtracks that accompany the map) to get to know them better.  There was then a portrait sitting session at ROC Creative’s art studio at the Palace Theatre.  Each subject was drawn by all the artists from ROC Creative.
 To see images of the workshops visit www.highstreetneighbourhood.blogspot.com
*ROC Creative is an arts, media and education project. It is part of the work of ROC, a registered charity providing opportunities and support for adults with learning disabilities.

Model in main library space


Text to accompany model 

The model displayed in the case is of some of the shops and buildings on Winner Street, Paignton.  This model is part of the WINNER: highstreet neighbourhood project.  To find out more about the project visit the exhibition in the gallery near the café.
 The children from Year 4 at Curledge Street Primary School took part in two workshops in April 2012.  During the first workshop they heard about the history of Winner Street from Ken Roach of the Paignton History Society.  They then visited Winner Street to do observational sketches of some of the buildings there.  During the second workshop they made clay models of the buildings they had drawn the day before.
The models were then painted white by curator Gareth Ballyn and artist Holly Smith and then installed in this specially built case.  They also added details such as the road names.   The case is mounted on a farmhouse table.  This table could represent the tables that used to be in the farmhouses that were on Winner Street hundreds of years ago.  By putting a model of the modern Winner Street into the centre of that table, Smith and Ballyn may be both reminding us of the streets history and also drawing attention to how it has changed.
To see photographs of the workshops please visit www.highstreetneighbourhood.blogspot.com
These materials for this model and its case were paid for by Paignton Rotary Association.

Holly Smith exhibition at No.93.  Open between 14th June and 29th June

1 comment:

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    Visit :- High Street Model
